Soul Sourcing at Equinox: A Day Retreat with Tanja Mickwitz

LOCATION: Yogarise Peckham
DATE: Saturday 21st September 2024

Day Yoga Retreat

Soul Sourcing at Equinox

Come together to welcome in the new season, at our beautiful South London studio, for this Autumn Equinox Day Retreat with special guest teacher Tanja Mickwitz.

Balance + nourish yourself

The new season and moving towards equal days and nights is a powerful time to pause, reflect and re-align ourselves. Equinox calls for inner balance and a change to our rhythm as the light begins to wane.

What can we do to stay nourished and centred through the seasonal change? How can we honour our needs as life gets busy yet nature asks us to slow down? And most importantly – how can we resource ourselves in a way that honours our soul’s longing?

What to expect?

Tanja will hold a sacred ceremonial space to honour this threshold gateway of Autumn. The day will include embodiment practices with yoga as well as free movement based on JourneyDance, there will be guidance through Tarot and astrology, contemplation, journaling, meditation, and the opportunity to share in circle.

A delicious vegan lunch and afternoon tea will be provided ensuring you leave feeling nourished and rejuvenated with that ‘just been on retreat’ type feeling.


Please arrive 10 mins before the event starts at 11:30am. Bring a padlock to secure valuables in our lockers. Leave your shoes in reception. Our Yoga Studios are phone and shoe free spaces.

How to find us?

Yogarise Peckham is a 5-10 minute walk from Peckham Rye station. There are many bus routes that drop off on Rye Lane.

What's included?

The day will run for 5 hours, and includes embodiment practices with yoga as well as free movement based on JourneyDance, there will be guidance through Tarot and astrology, contemplation, journaling, meditation, and the opportunity to share in circle. We will provide a vegan lunch and afternoon tea.

What's not included?

You will need to bring a pen and your own journal / notebook and if you wish, a sacred object of your choosing to place at the communal alter. Bring a water bottle to refill. 






Full price




Your teacher

Tanja Mickwitz

Tanja Mickwitz (E-RYT 500 / SYT YAP) is a soul mentor, storyteller, yoga teacher trainer and journey dance facilitator. She has nearly two decades worth of experience teaching and holding space for transformative practices. Known for her authentic voice, loving presence and speaking from the heart Tanja holds a sacred container for welcoming ourselves into wholeness. In her capacity as a mentor she weaves astrological wisdom and shadow work with intuitive guidance to offer a deep and rich container for soul growth and alignment.

Tania creates a nurturing space for exploration of the internal landscape and inner growth whilst challenging the physical edge with a safely led dynamic practice. Tanja is also an engaging storyteller using the wisdom of stories and symbolism to come into deeper understanding of ourselves and the universe.

Tanja is the first Rasa Yoga Teacher Trainer in Europe and continues to be guided and inspired by Sianna Sherman in her studies and teaching. Tanja has also studied with Para Yoga founder Yogarupa Rod Stryker since 2005 and is initiated into the SriVidya lineage by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait of the Himalayan Institute.

Join us to recharge and find balance this autumn.