What is Yogasana?

Yogarise offers Yogasana Yoga Classes with Ayesha Sowani and SYT Erin Prichard at Yogarise Peckham. Read on to find out more about their diverse influences and yoga background. You are sure to adore their Yogasana Yoga Classes at Yogarise 🙂


About Yogasana

Yogasana is a dynamic and stimulating yoga practice inspired by the philosophy of yoga and movement with breath.. You can expect philosophy and meditation combined with challenging asanas to help create a feeling of deep inner peace. You will work hard, breathe deeply and have the opportunity to play with some more advanced variations. This class is usually taught to music. Open to all levels.

Meet Your Teacher : Erin Prichard

Erin Prichard is a Yogasana yoga class teacher at Yogarise and truly believes yoga can be a profound practise of healing, awareness, connection and empowerment. She has been practicing for more than two decades and teaching yoga since 2004. Erin leads 200 hour foundational yoga trainings, advanced yoga teacher trainings, and mentorship programs to support yoga teachers.

Erin Prichard is a Yogasana yoga class teacher at Yogarise and truly believes yoga can be a profound practise of healing, awareness, connection and empowerment. She has been practicing for more than two decades and teaching yoga since 2004. Erin leads 200 hour foundational yoga trainings, advanced yoga teacher trainings, and mentorship programs to support yoga teachers.

Erin Prichard has had the privilege to teach and facilitate yoga both in the UK and globally in a wide range of settings, including SEN schools, refugee centres, charities, businesses, international retreats and studios. She always has had an appetite for Eastern thought as well as human relationships and studied Eastern Religion along with Family and Child Sciences and Development at University. She continued on to be a primary school teacher in London for more than 10 years. During her time as a teacher, she worked with many children who were refugees from war torn countries, those who experienced complex trauma, and seemed to benefit immensely from the yoga she brought to the classroom.

Alongside Live Karma Yoga, she currently facilitates trauma-informed yoga practices in HMP Wandsworth, for both people in the system as well as staff. She has recently become a TCTSY-F (Trauma Centre Trauma Sensitive Yoga Facilitator) and offers trauma-informed yoga both privately and in small groups.


Erin’s Yogasana class and teaching style is a combination of all traditions and schools she has learnt from including Hatha, Kripalu, Vinyasa Krama, Iyengar, Ashtanga, and Trauma informed Yoga. There is a strong focus on philosophy and inclusivity. Her classes may touch upon current events, the nature around us, Buddhist principles, and karma yoga.

She remains forever grateful to those who have influenced her teaching, including Richard Freeman & Mary Taylor, Stewart Gilchrist, Sri. V. Sheshadri, Mark Morford, Matthew Sanford, Seth Powell, Emma Henry, Sam & Annaka Harris, and Thom Yorke. When not on the mat, she can be found surfing, exploring nature, or lying in a hammock. Erin currently splits her time between London and Mexico.


Students have said…

“Erin is a warm and deeply knowledgeable and talented teacher. Her classes make you think about life and how to take yoga principles off the mat but she also manages to bring a sense of fun and lightness. I always walk away feeling physically better and with a sense that all is well in world.” Nadine.

Meet Your Teacher : Ayesha Sowani

Ayesha Sowani is Indian and grew up in various countries across Asia. She first encountered yoga at a young age through her family and has been practicing ever since. She trained as an upholsterer and found that yoga was a fantastic way to balance her mind and body for a physical job. Her interests and belief in yoga as healing and grounding for both body and mind led her to want to further her understanding and knowledge of the subject in both theory and practice.

Ayesha undertook her 200hr foundational yoga teacher training with Yogarise and has since completed a range of advanced CPDs / yoga courses including Yin Yoga (50hr) and Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training (60hr). Ayesha now teaches Dynamic Flow, Yogasana and Pregnancy Yoga at Yogarise in Peckham as well as 1-2-1 sessions.


In Ayesha’s Yogasana yoga class you can expect a dynamic and energetic vinyasa practice with modifications accessible to all levels, incorporating philosophy, asana, pranayama and meditation. In class, your breath is your sound track, creating the metronome for movement.


Students have said…

“2nd time going to Ayesha’s class. Love that it well rounded in terms of physical practice, pranayama and a dose of yoga philosophy. Ayesha’s attentiveness is evident in the nature of the hands on assistance given. Lovely practice! Thank you.”

“My favourite place to practice when I come to London. Perfect Sunday morning class. 75 minutes includes breathwork and meditation and Ayesha is an uplifting, skilful, joyous teacher ❤️” Class Pass Customer

Explore the schedule and book Yogasana yoga classes online or in-person. We can’t wait to welcome you.

Yogarise 200hr Teacher Training Course led by Erin