Today marks the second day of peaceful protests in London over the tragic death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, USA. If you’re unable to attend the protest or want to further educate yourself in allyship and anti-racism, here are some resources we have found useful. We know there is always more that can be done, and more to learn…

Charities you can support in the UK:
Show Racism The Red Card
Show Racism the Red Card is the UK’s leading anti-racism educational charity. They provide educational workshops, training sessions, multimedia packages, and a whole host of other resources, all with the purpose of tackling racism in society. Established in January 1996, the organisation utilises the high-profile status of football and football players to publicise its message. Across Britain, Show Racism the Red Card delivers training to more than 50,000 individuals per year.
Stand Against Racism and Inequality
SARI is a service user/community-oriented agency that provides support and advice to victims of hate, and promotes equality and good relations between people with protected characteristics as defined by law. Established in 1988, SARI has been operational since 1991. It was the brainchild of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) housing provider United Housing Association.
Discrimination Law Association
The DLA brings together a broad range of discrimination law practitioners, policy experts, academics and concerned individuals, all united around a commitment to improving equality law, practice, education and advice for those who face discrimination.
Books to read:
If you have a copy of these books, please consider lending them to friends and family. If you’re looking to buy a copy but could instead borrow, why not donate the money you would have spent to one of the charities instead.
Why I’m No Longer Talking To White People About Race
Reni Eddo-Lodge
Me and White Supremacy
Layla F Saad
Your Silence Will Not Protect You
Audre Lorde
Such a Fun Age
Kiley Reid
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Girl, Woman, Other
Bernardine Evaristo
(Click here for a much more comprehensive list of reading around racism, blackness and how to be a better ally)
Educational Resources:
Unpacking White Feminism Lecture by Rachel Cargle
A Guide To Allyship
Tribe Life Anti-Racism Resources
Black Lives Matter – Ways You Can Help
Critical Race Theory Study Guide