Feeling stressed, overwhelmed or anxious?
Don’t worry, you’re not alone, which is why we’ve asked one of our incredible teachers Anita Jasser, a UKCP body psychotherapist trainee, a yoga teacher and a biodynamic massage therapist, to share some tips to help manage overwhelm and anxiety.
Do less
When you’re overwhelmed, it is important to rest more than usual. When circumstances are uncertain, our nervous system responses will be activated, especially if we spend more time online. Let yourself nap more and do less.
What part of this can I do?
My teacher Ana Forrest suggests that in times of overwhelm, ask yourself, what part of this can I do? Breaking down your to-do list and focusing on completing one part at a time, can make us feel less overwhelmed.
Daily routines
Make a daily routine, so that you can begin to unwind at the same time each day. The body needs consistency to self-regulate. I’d suggest attending a class with your favourite Yogarise teacher, meditating, tai-chi, or attending a dance class at the same time and day each week.
Start early
Set an intention to carve out some time for yourself before you begin your day. This can be anywhere from 5 minutes to 50 depending on your home life. It will allow you to check in with yourself and to set an intention for what you’d like to receive in the day. It might be more time to rest, to connect with friends and family, or it might be to receive kindness from another person.
Eye care
Many of us spend more time than ever online, so it is important to take good care of our eyes. Staring at a screen for 8 hours a day is very damaging. Eye exercises, eating more foods with melatonin such as bananas, and applying anti-blue light measures will support your eyes during this period.
Drink more water
Being still and sitting for long periods can dehydrate you. Drink a lot more water.
whether it is yoga, Pilates or dancing, find ways to regularly keep moving and stretch out the glutes from sitting down. Make the most of getting outside each day.
Stay connected
join groups and regularly connect with friends, families and communities to stay connected and nourished.
find programmes or friends to laugh with. Laughter is SUCH a great way to release stress and tension!
Be heartfelt
Ask your heart what it needs every morning and allow yourself to receive what you’ve asked for throughout the day. Focus on what you do have and let your heart be nourished by that. Gratitude goes a long way.
Anita Jasser is a trainee body psychotherapist offering Zoom sessions at the moment – if you’d like to find out more and book a session with her, you can email her here.
Manage Overwhelm & Anxiety: book a yoga class!