by yogarise2024 | Jun 11, 2020 | Yoga
Let’s get creative! Online Mandala yoga classes weave rhythmic breathing and fun flowing vinyasa with a twist – quite literally – you’ll also be moving 360° around your mat! Each class is based on one of the 4 elements, so you’ll be channeling your...
by yogarise2024 | May 28, 2020 | Wellness, Yoga
Temperatures are rising outside as we head into summer but we’re busy cultivating heat from the inside out. Here are our top yoga classes to get the heat rising, sweat dripping and muscles shaking! ASHTANGA YOGA Where it all started… Ashtanga Yoga derives...
by yogarise2024 | May 21, 2020 | Lifestyle, Wellness, Yoga
The benefits of practising online yoga Practicing yoga online gives you all the benefits of yoga, plus the ease of not having to leave your home! Whether it’s on holiday, in the garden or in the slither of your house share that you can fit a mat in, join...
by yogarise2024 | May 18, 2020 | Community Classes, Yoga
We all know how wonderful yoga is for Adults. Well, yoga is SO wonderful and SO beneficial for children too. Not only does kids yoga promote mobility, body awareness and breath awareness at such a formative age, but also begins to guide children into emotional...
by yogarise2024 | Oct 25, 2019 | Events, Yoga
Are you in? Join the challenge, throughout November we are encouraging people to attend 25 classes over 30 days… they can be on any day, at any time and any class style. You’ll also get 5 days off throughout the month to rest, meditate and recuperate (or...
by yogarise2024 | Sep 4, 2019 | Yoga
Forget rock ’n’ roll, we’re into Rocket yoga: a dynamic, Vinyasa-flow yoga practice that’s sure to make you sweat and feel some fire – AKA agni in Ayurveda. The Rocket yoga sequence was developed by an American yoga teacher, Larry Schultz, in the Eighties. Musician –...